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【雅思口语Part1】话题语料积累:Being Happy

2021-03-29 11:47:59 编辑:无 浏览:(2110次)




  在这一部分,我们会按照词性分类:名词、动词和形容词部分,分别给出大家一些与话题“Being Happy”相关的词汇和短语,并同时提供相应的例句,让大家能够更好的掌握相关的用法。


  A chit chat 谈天说地

  A way to unwind 放松的方式


I would like to have a chit chat with my friends during the break and take it as a way to unwind after the hard working. I will tell jokes or share some of my embarrassing moments, and I believe I will feel happier if my friends are happy.


  Laugh out loudly 大声笑

  Laugh to tears 笑出眼泪来

【雅思口语Part1】话题语料积累:Being Happy


Last weekends, I had a great time with my friends watching TV at home. It was a variety show and we couldn’t stop laughing almost during the whole program. Even though the program was only 2 hours, it still brought us much pleasure for the whole weekend.


  Optimistic 乐观的

  Palatable 愉快的

  Vital 有活力的


I’m an optimistic person so I always have a good mood. I feel happy for myself, my friends progress and even just the good weather. A positive mental outlook makes me bursting with vitality and new ideas.





  People cannot feel cheerful all the time because of heavy pressure 生活在很重的压力下的人们很难一直保持开心

  releasing the stress in a proper way can promote problem solving 以恰当的方式放松也可以在未来有利于解决问题

  We are making efforts to gain more happiness 我们在努力获得更多的幸福感

  Positive feeling supports our creation and motivation 积极的感觉可以给创造力提供灵感并且调动做事的积极性




Living under the heavy pressure from work and life, no one couldn’t stay cheerful all the time. So it’s common and quiet okay to be down sometimes. Also I believe releasing the stress in a proper way can promote problem solving.

  Staying happy is ideal for many people, but most of us are making efforts to gain more happiness. It is said that the positive feeling can generate more energy which supports our creation and motivation.


  1)      Is there anything that makes you feel happy lately?

  There is something that made me happy lately, which is  I am finally on vacation after a high-pressure semester. I went to Chongqing, which I was dreaming about for a long time, and I had an enjoyable time there.

  2)      What do you do to stay happy?

Most of the time, I'm neither happy nor sad, so I am more in a natural state. So I think there are two ways to make me happy. one is watching videos so that I can achieve happiness in a very short time, and the other is working hard so that I can have a good mark in school so that I will be happy at that time.

  3)      Can you stay happy all the time?

No one can stay happy all the time. I mean, there might be some of them who can do that but not me, and also I think that kind of person is sporadic in today's society since I think the pressure's everywhere, including the peer pressure, the social pressure and the pressure you are giving to yourself so I really appreciate any happiness that I can feel at anytime even it is just small happiness. I cherish that.

  4)      Is it important to be happy? Of course happiness is important for anyone. I think happiness is the only reason that people are living in the world. Anyone is living for a reason, and it might be a sense of achievement, but all can be concluded as happiness. Being happy is just like the support that helps me to get over the pressure.